The conference of the European Engineering, Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) conference was held in Bucharest from 4-6 October 2023. The Art Residency Program of the Budapest University of Technology and Ecmonomics was invited to participate in the session, which featured projects exploring the relationship between science, technical innovation and art. Presentations and discussions with representatives from the Technical University of Istanbul (ITÜ), several units of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and the Madrid-based Instituto Mutante de Narrativas Ambientales, doing projects in environment, activism and storytelling, outlined their interdisciplinary projects: for example art residency program, participatory urban planning actions, or an educational programme mediating between mathematics and dance.
Speakers included students, teachers and cultural managers, and the discussions between the presentations focused on the role that combining different fields of knowledge can play in technical education and in the social sensitisation of engineers and scientists. The Hungarian programme was presented by curator Anna Gács, and last year’s two artists-in-residence, Ádám Boruzs and Olga Kocsi.
Photos: Alföldi György, Gács Anna, Molnár Bálint