Each year, the Art Residency Program at the Budapest University of Technology and Economocs (BME) hosts two Hungarian artists for ten months, one art student from the Budapest Metropolitan University for three months, and an artist from the European Union for a one-month period. Artists from any discipline (writers, musicians, visual artists, filmmakers, dancers, etc.) are invited to cooperate with one of the university’s departments, laboratories, or research projects and reflect on the process by their own means. Similarly to many Art & Science residencies all over the world, the BME’s program encourages artists to examine the intellectual, social, ethical aspects of scientific and technological research, and thus inspire a wider discussion of them.

During the cooperation of artists and scientists, two different languages, two different mindsets, two
different working methods come together as equal partners. The autonomy of all participants is essential
in this process: the knowledge or the language of neither participant becomes subordinated. The
researcher does not step away from the scientific point of view, neither does the artist’s work become a
mere illustration of scientific results. The work involved is neither translation, nor applied art; it is rather
the encounter of two world views, an attempt on mutual understanding. This encounter might serve as
an occasion for all of us to consider the relationship, social contexts, and institutional frameworks of
scientific and artistic creativity.
The residency program is supported by the Hungarian National Bank through its PADME Foundation,
and the Pro Progressio Foundation.
One-month scholarship for artists from the EU
For the time being, foreign artists can apply for a one-month scholarship only. (It is our intention to extend this period in years to come.) During their residency, the artist can consult researchers in one of the announced research topics. They will have access to laboratories, and they can meet other resident artists at BME as well as other Hungarian and foreign artists based in or visiting Budapest. Accommodation is offered at Art Quarter Budapest, a busy cultural institution hosting artists from all around the world. Resident artists present their work and reflect on the period spent at BME at the end of their stay in a form corresponding to the kind of work they do (e.g. pop-up exhibition, public reading, concert, short performance). The amount of the stipend is EUR 1500 which should be used by the resident to cover travel costs, self-maintenance while staying in Budapest, and the material costs of the closing presentation. Accommodation in AQB is provided for free.
The residency should take place in the Spring of 2024. Deadline for application is 31 July 2023. For more information see the Call for Application.
About the University
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is a leading University in the heart of Europe, established in 1782. It is a prestigious and welcoming institution, pioneering higher education for more than 240 years. Its mission is to educate experts, innovators and groundbreakers in the fields of technical, economic and social sciences. Its industry-standard facilities are located across campuses next to the Danube River, rich in history, with a picturesque view of the city.
Did you know that one of the inventors of the carburettor, the inventor of holography, the inventor of floppy discs, one of the designers of the Apollo Lunar Module, and many Nobel Prize Winners have once been students at Budapest University of Technology and Economics? Not to mention, the famous meme, Hide the Pain Harold has also attended the University. BME offers international scholarships and mentoring for students from all around the world. While it provides the curriculum to support the excellence of students, you can explore Budapest, a centre of European and global culture — with many opportunities to experience art, music, various outdoor activities; and to meet a colourful community of fellow students from all around the world and form lasting friendships/relationships.
You can learn more about the university here.
Contact info
Inquiries should be sent to residentartist@bme.hu.